See why solar panels have become a game-changer for countless homeowners

What's the trend?

  1. The upfront expense of solar panels has dropped by over 30% since 2014.1
  2. By embracing solar power, you can cut your energy bills by hundreds of pounds annually.2
  3. Join the savvy Brits who are capitalizing on these remarkable savings.

Unbeknownst to many, solar panels hold the key to reducing energy costs for Brits.

Even with the UK’s sometimes gloomy weather, homeowners can still enjoy solar savings, as photovoltaic solar panels rely on daylight rather than abundant sunshine hours.

In recent years, the cost of solar panels has plummeted by over 30%.1 This drastic reduction has made solar energy more accessible to individuals all across the UK.

Solar: The Future Of Cheap Energy

According to the British Government’s own projections3, solar power is expected to become the 2nd cheapest form of electricity in the UK within the next few years.

A recent report from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy compares the costs of future energy projects, and found that solar could beat conventional gas systems by large margins.

Top Benefits Of Going Solar in 2023

  1. Lower up-front costs – New technology and more competition have dramatically reduced the cost of solar panels, making the an affordable option for millions of Brits.
  2. Slash your electric bills – Sunlight is free, so once you’ve paid for the panels you can start reaping the rewards. The savings can be up to hundreds of pounds per year!2
  3. Reduce your carbon footprint – Solar energy is one of the most environmentally friendly options out there.

How Can I Start Saving With Solar?

  1. Click your location on the map below to get your FREE quote
  2. Answer a few simple questions and compare quotes to find the best deal!